Test steam for compliance with AAMI ST79:2017 (3.3.3 – Steam for sterile processing)
The SQ1-H Steam Quality Test Kit is ideal for the US healthcare/hospital market to test steam for sterile processing. It provides quick and repeatable results for dryness fraction (97 – 100%),non-condensable gases (less than 3.5% v/v condensate) and steam superheat (less than 25° C/77° F).

AAMI ST79:2017 – The critical variables of steam quality are as follows:

The dryness of the steam, expressed as a dryness fraction. Steam dryness should be between 97% and 100%

The level of non-condensable gases (NCGs), expressed as a fraction by volume. Noncondensable gases (e.g., air) should be at a level (less than 3.5% v/v condensate) that will not impair steam penetration into sterilization loads

Superheat of steam expressed as a temperature in degrees above saturation point. This value should be less than 25°C (77°F)
SQ1-H Steam Quality Testing Accessories
The standard test kit does not include a test elbow with sample ports, electronic balance, thermocouple recorder or temperature sensors. See below for available accessories:
Test Elbows
Available in ¾”, 1”, 1.5”, 2”, 3”, and 4” diameters. With Male NPT Threaded (150# Flange available) Ends, Tri-Clover Sample Ports. 32 Ra I.D./32 Ra O.D. Mechanical Finish.

Electronic Balance

An electronic balance (0 – 3000g/ 0.1g) is required for the dryness test. While most hospitals have these available, the presence of a balance to be used exclusively at the testing location increases productivity.We supply a lightweight, rechargeable battery/mains, rugged precision compact balance specifically for this application.
Handheld Temperature Meter/Logger and Probes

While any data logger may be used for the steam quality testing, we can also supply a dual input hand-held temperature meter/logger with two Type T Thermocouples, as two temperature inputs are required for the superheat and dryness value tests. The thermometer offers a fast response and laboratory accuracy (+/- 0.05% + 0.3°C) in a rugged hand-held test tool. Has logging facility with Max/Min/Average calculations and PC connectivity, which makes it ideal for this application. Complete is NIST-traceable Calibration Certificate (Logger only)
Thermowell Temperature Probe
For a semi-permanent solution for monitoring the steam pipe temperature during testing, we offer a Tri-Clover Thermowell fitted with a Type T Thermocouple that is fitted on the temperature sample port of the Test Elbow.